Message to the Community

Message to the Community
School Motto: Cooperate, Motivate, Educate
School Mascot: Sabre
Basic Facts:
Enrollment 280
Configuration of school Dual Track K-8
Number of teachers 20
Number of support staff 12
Administrative Assistants 2
Programs: ESRSS is proud to offer the following programs at our school…
- French Immersion Kindergarten to Grade 8
- English Program Grades 6 to 8
- Supportive Learning Program Grades 6/7/8
- Early Literacy Intervention Grades K-3
- Grade 7 and 8 Band
- Grade 7 and 8 Industrial Arts
Extra–curricular/clubs: Students have many clubs or team activities available to them. Some are listed below….
- Art Club
- Reading Club
- School Choir
- Tour Band
- Jazz Band
- Student Council
- Intramurals
Grade 5-8
- Soccer
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Badminton
- Track & Field
- Running Club
School Priorities/Goals:
ESRSS is K-8 dual track school. Our school priorities include improving outcomes for all learners in Literacy and Mathematics, as well as focusing initiatives around Indigenous Education and Student Engagement. French Immersion programming is available from Kindergarten through grade 8 alongside English programming in grades 6-8. Addressing the needs of all learners is a major priority of ESRSS and as such, a Supportive Learning Program is offered in the grades 6-8 area. We are a diverse school community developing excellence in learning and citizenship within a safe and supportive environment. ESRSS has been working with Diane Gossen’s “Restitution for Schools Curriculum.” ESRSS is committed to becoming an RSD school.
About Us:
ESRSS has an enrollment of approximately 280 students and 35 staff members. ESRSS is staffed with a Learning Support Team consisting of a Principal, Vice-Principal, School Guidance Counsellor, and Resource Teacher. We have two parent councils. ESRSS PAC (Parent Advisory Council) and CPF (Canadian Parents for French). These parent councils lend support to all of our students and staff to enhance their school experience at ESRSS. We believe in honoring, celebrating, and supporting the cultural diversity of our school.
About Community
Swan River and the surrounding Swan Valley is a beautiful area with a lot to offer. The town of Swan River has many sporting venues including a skating rink that a Junior A team plays out of, curling rink, 18 hole golf course, ball diamonds, and a newly constructed indoor pool. Swan River has a state of the art library as well as many service clubs including The Lions Club, Kinsmen Club and The Elks. Swan Valley is a popular destination for camping, fishing, boating, snowmobiling and downhill skiing/snowboarding.
What is unique about the school
ESRSS has the second largest school enrollment in the division. We are able to offer a variety of programming specific to our school and our student’s needs including French Immersion, Industrial Arts for grade 7 and 8, and a separate grade 7 and grade 8 band. Our large population in the grade 7 and 8 area allows us to field both competitive and non-competitive athletic teams in multiple sports. In 2018, ESRSS started its’ journey to becoming an “Apple School.” The Vision for an “Apple School” is “Healthy Kids in Healthy Schools.” This is achieved by improving healthy (nutritious) eating, physical activity, and good mental health habits. Research has shown that healthy, happy students are better learners. Students, staff, parents, and community members contribute to help create a school specific action plan.